Sunday, July 4, 2010

Trek 2010

This is a really cool picture of Trent i think.

I like his hat
Bridge crossing 1 of many

Fire (i took this)

Fire again.. (i took this)

I took this

Leaving the campground

Trent pulled me up that.... by himself he needed a little help towards the top but for the most part he did it by himself

River crossing

He even pulled me through a muddy river

Mountains and clouds (i took this)

Clouds (i took this)

I took this

I took this

Handcart (i took this) 

I took this

Sleeping on the bus on the way home

Testimony meeting (he talked a lot about helping me)
Trek was awesome i'm so glad i went. I met Trent he's awesome...he helped me get through it. He pulled me 8 1/2 miles in the rickshaw thingy...... and walked with me when i walked.. It's good to have a friend like Trent